He ran out of time, but said he would post the rest of his notes at his blog:  www.glocal.net:

The best way to learn how to plant a church is to look at what is happening around the world.

Most important questions:

What is the church? What is called God me to plant?
We argue over forms and philosophies why the world is going to Hell?

If he was going to plant a church he would:
-Get 10-20 people to praying for him.
-Read the book of Acts, Matthew, Luke
-Go off and spend some solitude time with God and ask God, “What do you want me to do?”

1. It’s the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
–Does it bother you we can grow a mega church and our communities are not any different?
–Kingdom – Disiciple – Church – Community

2. It encompasses the reconcilliation of all things.
–the grid is the society

3. The focus is on the disciple, not the preacher.
–Every believer is a church planter

4. All religions are all places which makes for a naked public square and thoughtful communication.
–If Paul would have treated Jewish leaders like most American Christians treat Muslim leaders, the Gospel would have never spread.

5. Knowing other religions isn’t just for the experts but for everyone who would communicate who Jesus is.

6. Risk is seen in life and death not nickels and noses.

7. Never vilify another religion.
–Paul didn’t do this.