About 2 years ago I started preaching without notes.  It’s a process for me that takes quite a bit of rehearsal.  In my preparation I actually write a full manuscript.  Then I go to work speaking it through several times until I feel like I have a good handle on the material.  Most preachers, even ones who preach from full manuscripts, if they are preaching multiple times, will become so familiar with the material that they have to refernece it less and less.  I just preach several times before I actuall preach it live.

In preparation for this message though I ran into something that made it harder for me to prepare.  Because I was using Stranger Than Fiction clips as illustrative material, having to stop my “flow” to show a movie clip proved to be a challenge when it came to preparation.  I think because I used 4 clips, the start and stop nature of the message really made it tough for me to work into a groove that is vital when I’m preaching without notes.  So I went into first service with notes…and it didn’t work.  It didn’t flow like I wanted it to.  I felt like I was constantly wanting to look at my notes simply because they were there.  I made a mid-course correction for 2nd service and spoke without notes and even a Bible (uh? gasp!).  Fortunately we had an outstanding person (Thanks Tonia!) on Media Shout so when I needed confirmation on a verse it was right there behind me on the screen.

Lesson:  No more notes.  If I can’t speak from my heart born out of preparation, then it’s not worth speaking.