Timebridge has changed my life!  About 8 months ago I ran across Timebridge over at www.pastorhacks.com and have been so thankful since.  I’m sure like me, you struggle with the challenge of scheduling meetings with a team of people.  You send out an email saying you would like to get together and suggest some times.  Then the string of emails start.  Back and forth between everyone until you can settle on a time when everyone can agree.

With Timebridge that is no more!  With this simple and free web application you send an email through their application with the best times for you.  The recipients select times that will work for them and then Timebridge automatically confirms a time that will work for all.  Then the day before the meeting it sends out a reminder.  Beautiful!

It even integrates with Outlook so it is not an annoying separate tool you have to keep track of.  For inner office scheduling we use Outlook but that doesn’t work well for those who do not use Outlook.

I’ve used it now for 8 months and it has worked wonderfully scheduling meetings for Suncrest-East leaders, pre-marital coaching sessions, lunch or coffee appointments and literally everything else I have needed to schedule a meeting for.  I suggested its use to Bobby who started using it and then he suggested it to Greg so it is definitely getting used around our office.

I know I sound like a commercial here but I can’t say enough good about this tool.