So I am giving into the urge to launch my personal blog again.  It was good to take a break as it had become “one more thing for me to do.”  A lot has happened since I last published here.  I hope to share what I’ve been learning from my experience of launching Suncrest-East.  It has been both the most rewarding and challenging experience of my life.

As I kick this thing back off let me outline why I am doing this.  This has been integral to me even deciding to relaunch this blog.  Here is what I have decided:

1. I want to challenge thinking.  I don’t do this nearly enough.  And yet challenging thoughts are what shape us the most.  When we are stuck in one way of doing something or one way of thinking about something we grow lethargic.  I hope to counter that by sharing here what is challenging me.  I hope that you will disagree.  I hope that we can even have a conversation around certain topics.

2. I want to have fun.  I want to share what is making me laugh.  I want to make you laugh as well.  Life is too short to spend it with a frown on your face.  A smile makes the day go by better.  I don’t consider myself very original when it comes to “funny stuff” but I love to take (okay steal) what others have said and make it my own.

3. I want to share my life. Not because it is all about me.  But because I enjoy when others share their life with me.  I want to share what God is teaching me because others have shared that with me.  I want to share little things here and there about my family because there are a few of you who actually care about that.  In short, I want to talk about what I’m passionate about because I love finding where my passions overlap others.

So there it is.  That’s what I want to do.  Thanks for reading.