September 2007

It didn’t occur to me yesterday when I posted about Suncrest turning 13 but that does make us a teenager. That is one age I don’t want to return to if given the choice. What a tumultuous time! There are some good things about being a teenager though…
…it feels like your whole life is before you…
…you can do anything you want with our life…
…you are in a state of rapid change…
…you adapt to new things easily and quickly.

Fortunately for us, being a teenager as a church does not necessarily make it tumultuous for us but there are many good things for us too.
-We haven’t done everything God wants us to do. There are many great things ahead.
-We are changing…and that’s a good thing! Constantly adapting methods to deliver the changeless message.
-I think we still relatively easily adapt and change to new things. Our recent service time change proved that to me. In the last 2 years we have introduced podcasting, 2 of us on staff have started blogs, we are creating our own videos more and more, and we have produced a total church experience (Puzzled?). Technology is a great tool to spread God’s message and we are adopting it well.

While I wouldn’t want to go back to my teenage years I’m so glad Suncrest is in them and look forward to what God is going to do with us.

Suncrest celebrates 13 years today! I didn’t know it until John Wasem, our founding pastor, pointed it out. Very cool. Can’t wait to see what God does with another 13.

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Another yeah God happened yesterday. I was talking with some former neighbors of mine and they were recounting about their first experiences with Suncrest. The first time they came was at a comedy show we put on almost a year ago and basically the husband did not want to come. He did not want to come to a church. He did not want to be in a church. He wanted nothing to do with it. But our kids had become good friends and we had got to know them a little AND we payed for the event so they came….and loved it!! In fact, the husband saw someone he knew from High School (that stuff happens all the time here). And now a year later they are coming every week and are jumping into a community group. Yeah God!

Meant to do this earlier. Here’s some pictures from vacation for those that are interested. We had a great time and it was very restful and relaxing. Click here for those.

Just wanted to share what I read today.

“In quietness and confidence is your strength.”

Isaiah 30:15

What a great verse. While most of us try to do more and more to get more done…while we try to act a certain way to appear like we are something…while we look to all kinds of things to make us feel strong, God says that a quiet and confident faith is our strength. I needed that today.

These DVD’s haven’t even hit the streets and we’re bringing you the outtakes. They are just too funny to not pass along. The creator, Brennan Wilkins did a tremendous job. Here’s a hint if you look for them on the DVD: the link is hidden in the menu screen. This DVD will be used as a discussion aid in community groups. Over 400 are signed up so we have some good groups starting and restarting.

Here’s a conglomeration of stuff that I found interesting, helpful or otherwise amusing the past two days:

1. Interview with Don Miller of Blue Like Jazz fame.

2. What we can learn from Microsoft. Helpful stuff for church or business.

3. A new article about my friend, Jolee Mohr and the cause of her death. Her husband is in D.C. testifying about the whole case.

4. Just for laughs. A classic Youtube video. Worth watching the whole thing.

Back in the saddle again. Will hopefully be posting pictures tonight from vacation. Had a great time.

Until then here’s a quote that really struck me this morning:

“Gotta kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight.”

-Barenaked Ladies in the song “Lovers in a Dangerous Time”

Leaving today for vacation. Going to be in the middle of nowhere Missouri. Just some time to relax, visit some landmarks and cool stuff for kids.

This past Friday and Saturday, me and a group guys had our first Father/Son retreat. This retreat was born out of a desire to help grow our sons into men. Inspired by the book “Raising a Modern Day Knight” we celebrated one of the boys in our group’s entry into teenage years. We talked with the boys about what it means to be a man and prayed over Conlin, who turned 13 last year. All but one of the guys on the retreat had participated in Men’s Fraternity at Suncrest and was inspired by the definition of a man that he gave. Here it is:

A man is one who rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously and expects a greater reward.

It was a great weekend. We plan on doing these retreats every year and celebrating the different stages of a boy’s growth into a man.

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