I read this article and just had to pass it along. I think it expresses great thoughts on where we are at with the church in America. I also appreciate his approach that critiques without condemns.

He asks some great questions:

Is there more than a “Sunday only experience” for church?

How can we create a more biblical environment where people see and experience God?

A part of the answer for me is that church IS NOT Sunday morning.  That is an obvious statement to many but yet don’t we live like it is in so many ways?  Don’t we pour most of our resources and energy into a Sunday morning event? Don’t we plan the life of a church organization around Sunday mornings?  These are questions I am wrestling through.

I’m not concluding that Sunday morning isn’t necessary NOR that we shouldn’t put focus on it.  I’m just wrestling with the thoughts expressed in Chan’s article that Jesus intended HIS church to be so much more than a Sunday morning event.  And to lead people to see that means we have to do things differently than we always have done them.

Here’s the article link:  http://www.exponentialconference.org/there-must-be-more-than-this/