June 2008

My son headed off with the Student Ministry for Know Sweat, a CIY sponsored mission trip. I love it that he gets this opportunity because mission trips are the most life changing thing anyone can do. Kid or adult, they can change your life. I’ve seen it with teens in youth ministry. I’ve seen it with adults. God does something unique when we get away and serve. Maybe I should say, we are open to God doing something unique when we get away.

It was hard for Sheila to let her “little boy” go, but we both know it will be a great trip for him.

You go on a trip to see your extended family but you can’t stop thinking about the new Suncrest-East campus.

It either means I really need a vacation or I’m stinkin’ excited about Suncrest-East. I’ll think the latter even though the first may still be true.

3 things I love about Oklahoma…

1. Less traffic;
2. QT gas stations…the best in the country
3. Friendly people EVERYWHERE.

3 things I could live without…

1. People who drive UNDER the speed limit (okay, not limited to OK, but there does seem to be an inordinate amount of drivers like that here);
2. Wranglers everywhere!!!!
3. Living 10 hours from it.

“The next time there’s something that you just can’t live without, wait for a week and then see if you’re still alive.”

Guy Kawasaki
Art of the Start

“Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.”

-Oscar Wilde

“Ignorance is not only bliss, it’s empowering.”

-Guy Kawasaki
Art of the Start

I realized the true beauty of Google maps this week. My wife left for a trip to Oklahoma and then on to Dallas to help her sister with a family matter. The first great use was when she called from Tulsa and could not find her Sister’s apartment. Yahoo had messed it up. So I jumped on google and directer her turn by turn. You could say I was her personal GPS system.

Then later that night as they were looking for the hotel in Dallas, I provided turn by turn directions again thanks to Google. We almost bought a GPS unit before she left, but decided to save the money.

Gotta love it when technology really does help you.

I’ve blogged about them before and I’m still getting my coffee from them. In fact, I’m thinking we need Land of a Thousand Hills coffee for East Campus! Here’s a video about what they are doing. I want to have some fun with this so the first one who comments gets a free bag of Thousand Hills coffee! Now just to make sure you watch the video you will have to tell me what the video says the farmers used to earn per lb when they worked alone and what they earn on average with partnership.

It was sad for mom to do it, but Daisy really wanted to donate to Locks of Love. I loved her long hair, but she looks beautiful in her shorter dew.

Not an exact quote, but the gist is there:

The reason someone is more likely to pick up a book on Buddhism than Christianity is because Buddhism presents itself as a way of life and Christianity presents itself as a system of beliefs.

–Peter Senge

2 tickets to see the White Sox beat the Indians = $0 (thanks to some friends)

Parking = $22

2 hotdogs, a drink and a pretzel = $15

A night out with my son = priceless

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