I had the opportunity to preach at West campus yesterday.  It was good to see so many faces I had not seen in sometime.  It was also weird being there.  Even though I’m in the building almost everyday except Sunday, being there to preach was not what I expected.  I thought it would feel kind of like going home.  It didn’t.  Don’t get me wrong.  It was a good experience.  It just wasn’t what I thought.

Two things really contributed to this:

1)  There are a ton of new people at West campus.  That is so awesome!  I love that the seats we left empty by launching EAST have filled up with new people.  That is what it is all about!  I really noticed this in 3rd service that felt about half filled with new people.

2) The other contributing factor to this is that most of the people who I am connected with personally are at EAST.  It really struck me how the people who make up my community helped launch EAST campus.  Certainly not everyone that falls into that category are at EAST but most of them are.  That has created for us a situation where it really is like a party each Sunday.  The challenge of course is that we have to work at not turning inward and keep welcoming guests.

It was great being at WEST, but I really do love EAST campus.  That is so reaffirming that it is exactly where God wants me.