I thought this Andy Stanley podcast was one of the best.  It is on learning to be a student instead of a critic of new ideas.  Strong emphasis on something I think we know instinctively but are afraid to admit:  the best ideas for church tomorrow don’t come from those doing it now, they come from the next generation.  Being a young man of 35 who turns 36 next month (ouch) I recognize I’m not in the aforementioned category anymore.  So the question I have to ask myself is:  Who am I listening to?

Here’s a few random takeways from the podcast:

• The best ideas for tomorrow don’t come from our generation but the next generation;
• Whatever we are saying is “dumb” and has no ministry value but is being utilized by the younger generation is the NEXT thing that WILL BE used for ministry;
• It’s okay to fail, celebrate failures.

You can subscribe to the podcast in iTunes but here is the most recent podcast on the subject of becoming a student.