I’m sitting at Midway on my way to Boston for a couple days I am meeting Greg out there to sit in with the management team of Reunion Christian Church, of Boston. What a great church.

The band did a great job this morning. Rick, Joe and the gang brought a definite energy to the stage…even that one guy who looked suspiciously older than college age. During their rendition of “Heart of the Matter” I thought some were going to pull out their cell phones and wave.

As with a lot of things in life, this forgiveness business can be messy. It doesn’t always provide an immediate feeling of happiness, but it is the entry point for God to heal. One thing I wish I would have had time to talk about was an incident that happened to me several years ago. For me it illustrates the messiness of forgiveness. Without going into all the details a friend got so mad at me he ended our friendship. To this day I (and other close friends) don’t see why he chose to react so harshly. It hurt me deeply and I spent a lot of time praying about it and meeting with him trying to iron out what went wrong. I apologized for what I did wrong and prayed with him on more than one occasion. None of that seemed to make a difference in the end. What I finally realized was that he simply did not want to forgive me and there was nothing I could do to make things better. For awhile I held on to the hurt, but eventually I realized I needed to forgive him even though he wouldn’t accept it. It wasn’t a one time forgiveness, it was a season of choosing to forgive him and refuse to play the tapes of our conversations. All that to say it was worth it. No, I don’t have a friendship with this person, but I do have peace that I have done all I can to reconcile with him.