I have received some positive feedback from Sunday’s message. I appreciate every comment. I would love to interact a bit this week on how Jesus’ encounter with the Rich Young Ruler affects our life. You can read about it in Mark 10:17-30, Matthew 19:16-26 or Luke 18:18-27.

Here’s what I am asking:

  • Do you feel compelled to do anything in response to this passage?
  • What are you doing?
  • If you were with us on Sunday, were you able to identify your “one thing?”

In the message, what I tried to do was lay out the fact that each of us has at least one thing that stands in the way of making Jesus our one thing. Not totally due to preparing for this passage, but in part, my family is making some changes in the financial arena to make sure we choosing Jesus over stuff.

What about you? I have heard from many of you that you have read but never commented. Here’s your chance. I would love to hear from you.